
Cricket Leinster Structure

Cricket Leinster is the Governing Body for the Sport in the Leinster region and its purpose is to promote, foster and organise the playing of cricket in the province of Leinster.

Cricket Leinster is made up of a number of clubs engaged in the playing of cricket. A club can be a Member or an Affiliate member, with elections taking place at General Meeting. The current list of clubs, members and associate members, can be found here. Cricket Leinster also organises the playing of youth and school cricket and supports social cricket in a number of formats.

The Leinster Cricket Union was established in 1909 and in 2017 was incorporated as a company The Leinster Cricket Union CLG which operates as Cricket Leinster.

The Memorandum and Articles of Association of Cricket Leinster can be found here. The Company is affiliated to The Irish Cricket Union CLG as the National Governing Body for cricket in Ireland.

Cricket Leinster Management & Staff Details

Cricket Leinster employs a number of Management and Administration staff to oversee the day to day running of the company and cricket in the province. Their details can be found in the following table:

Role Name Contact details
General Manager Philip Smith
Operations Manager Michael Cotter
Disability, Inclusion & Participation Manager Naomi Scott-Hayward
Cricket Development Manager North Leinster Brían O'Rourke
Cricket in the Community Development Officer – Dublin City Council Fintan McAllister
National Programmes Co-Ordinator Killian Molloy
Competitions Administrator Shirley Doyle
Accounts Manager Matthew Ford
Leinster Lightning/Bolts Pathway Manager Andre Botha
Midlands Development Officer Bernard O'Mara

Cricket Leinster Company Structure

The following diagram provides an overview of the Committee Board structure of Cricket Leinster:

Board Details
Responsibilities The Board meets regularly so as to provide strategic leadership to the Company, exercise effective control over the organisation, and monitor executive management and performance. The primary responsibility of all Directors is to act in the best overall interest of Cricket Leinster at all times – it is appropriate to recognise, however, the particular importance of the contribution of the "independent" Directors in this area. Specific responsibilities of the Board are:


  • To provide vision, leadership and direction for the Company, normally through the consideration and approval of Strategic Plans
  • In this context, to define the Company's mission, decide its strategic goals and approve policies to achieve those goals
  • To ensure that the Company is well managed and that a proper balance is maintained between the respective roles of Board and Management
  • To set performance objectives and to approve and monitor the Annual Budget
  • To ensure that the Company behaves ethically and in a manner that accords with its core values as determined in the Strategic Plan
  • To define and promote the Company's role in the community by consulting its stakeholders and informing the public in an open accountable manner
Board Members 2024 The current members of the Board are:
  • John Heavey (Chairperson of the Board)
  • Alan Lewis
  • Meena Baskarasubramanian (Independent Director)
  • Peter Lacy (Independent Director)
  • Barry Tucker (Chair of Finance)
  • Rebecca Gallagher
  • Brian Kelleher (Chair of Cricket)
  • Stella Downes
  • Jannat Ramay

    Philip Smith, General Manager, attends ex-officio

    Committee Details
    Finance The Finance Committee advises on the financial affairs of the Union, including the raising of funding, the coordination of financial projects and oversight of all expenditure of the Union.
    The current members of the Committee are:
    Barry Tucker, Peter Twamley, Mary Sharp, Kumar Rudraraju, Romy Mathew, Callum Donnelly
    Philip Smith, General Manager, attends ex-officio

    The Cricket Committee is responsible for all aspects of the playing of Cricket in Leinster.
    The current members of the Committee are:
    Brian Kelleher (Chairperson), Becca Gallagher (Women's Committee), Stephen Tonge (Youth & Schools Committee), Olag Sivanantham (Grounds & Accreditation Committee), Michael Lowe (Open Competitions Committee), Kenny Carroll (Ord Member), Sanjeeb Barik (Ord Member)
    Philip Smith, General Manager, attends ex-officio
    Michael Cotter, Operations Manager, attends ex-officio


    Other Roles and Committees

    Committee Details
    President (2025) Meena Baskarasubramaniam
    President Elect (2026) Brian Kelleher
    Child Safeguarding  & Inclusion The Child Safeguarding & Inclusion Committee shall be responsible for matters which relate to the safeguarding of young persons (defined as under the age of 18) participating in cricket under the auspices of Cricket Leinster and for the promotion of inclusive practice relating to the 9 grounds of discrimination.
    Mary Sharp is the Designated Liasion Person for Cricket Leinster.
    Aideen Rice is the Childrens Officer for Boys Cricket
    Meenakshi Baskarasubramanian is the Childrens Officer for Girls Cricket

    The current members of the Committee are:
    Aideen Rice (Chair), Mary Sharp, Meenakshi Baskarasubramanian, Judith Neuman-Jones, Liv Fox-Gill
    Philip Smith (CEO) attends ex officio and as Deputy DLP for Cricket Leinster

    The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for all matters of discipline in accordance with the Disciplinary Regulations. These Regulations apply to any match played under the auspices of the Union.

    The Current Members of the Committee are:

    Barry Collins (Chair), Vinay Kumar, Peter Lacy, Neil Swaby, Philip Byrne, David Pigot, Sibu Jose
    Mary Sharp acts as secretary to the committee

    Appeals Board The Appeal Board deals with any appeals of decisions of the Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the Disciplinary Regulations adopted by Cricket Leinster:
    The current members of the Committee are:
    Eddie Lewis (Chair), Susan O’Neill, Roland Bradley, Mohammad Nawaz, Osama Mohammed, Henry Tighe, Matt Sheridan, Frank Sowman
    Mary Sharp acts as Secretary to the Committee
    Open Competitions This Committee manages the operation of all adult open competitions and administers the regulations for those competitions.
    The current members of the Committee are:
    Michael Lowe (Chair), Steve Wood (Hon Secretary), Ger O'Brien, Andrew Fox, Cillian McDonnell, Conor Austin, Kiran Hegde, Philip Jacob, Roger Kear, Arif Mohammed, Ahmed Kayani
    Women's Cricket The Women's Committee is responsible for the running of women's competitions played under the auspices of Cricket Leinster:
    The current members of the Committee are:
    Becca Gallagher (Chair), Mick Cotter (Secretary), Judy Cohen,Anna Beale, Aoife Beggs, Susan Bray, Jenny Sparrow, Celeste Raack
    Youth & Schools The Youth & Schools Section is responsible for the running of all youth and schools cricket competitions played under the auspices of Cricket Leinster:
    The current members of the Committee are:
    Meena Baskarasubramanian (Chair), Shirley Doyle (Secretary), Rajesh Seshan, Jim Stewart, Osama Fuzail Mohammed, Nicola Rautenbach, Fiona Staunton
    Coaching The Coaching Committee has oversight of all Coach Education and Coaching matters under the auspices of Cricket Leinster.
    The current members of the Committee are:
    Brian Kelleher (Chair)
    Accreditation & Grounds The Accreditation & Grounds Committee is responsible for monitoring the quality of cricket grounds and playing facilities in Leinster.
    The current members of the Grounds Committee are:
    Olag Sivanantham (Chair), Jack Condie, Rajesh Manirajan, Sean McCann, Anudeep Yelamuru, Colm Faherty, Rob Kenealy, Brian Horn