Player registrations are continuing apace with over 1,000 people now registered to play again for the 2021 season.
Civil Service CC continues to lead the way with almost all their 2020 players having re-registered although most clubs have experienced a surge during January as everyone hopes and expects for better times when the cricket season comes around.
Malahide CC, Leinster CC and The Hills CC continue to lead the way on youth registrations with the same clubs also dominating the registration on the Women’s side along with Clontarf CC.
The pace and scale of registrations from our newer clubs (established in the last 10-15 years) is particularly evident with Adamstown CC, Tyrrelstown CC, Clondalkin CC and Lucan CC all on the leader-board at this early stage.
And a reminder that anyone wishing to renew their registration or indeed register for the first time can do so by following this link: