Over 100 people from 29 clubs registered to attend the CL Live Scoring (CricClubs) Webinar earlier this evening.
Siobhan McBennett (CL President 2024) who assisted with facilitating the course
The attendees were briefed on how to optimise their use of the scoring solution for the benefit of their club and the wider cricket community.
CricClubs is the leading live scoring solution in the market where it is used extensively all over the cricketing world and especially in South-East Asia.
A significant number of CL club matches were live-scored last season and CL is keen to assist clubs in embracing the technology as a matter of course on match days for as many club teams and fixtures as possible.
Andrew Mooney
Our thanks to Andrew Mooney and Siobhan McBennett (both very experienced scorers) for providing their expert input to the session and insights into how best to prepare for and manage the live-scoring role on match days.
As an incentive for clubs, CL has committed to provide a suitable android tablet to any club committing to live-score their home matches in 2024.
The full presentation from the webinar can be found here.