The following changes have been made to the arrangements and regulations relating to the discipline in matches coming under the auspices of the Leinster Cricket Union for the 2012 season.
A fee of €100 is being introduced for appeals from the decision of the Disciplinary Committee to the Appeals Board. This fee will be refunded in the event that the decision of the Appeals Boards is to overturn the decision of the Disciplinary Committee or to reduce the penalty imposed.
Clubs should advise their players that the final decisions of the disciplinary process will be published on the Cricket Leinster website and that the names of the persons involved and the offence will be recorded and displayed until the end of the following season. The names of any players under 18 will be withheld.
Clubs are advised that any ban of two weeks or more will necessitate the person involved being removed from the starring lists for the relevant competitions.
A report on an incident from an individual [rather than an umpire or a club] should be made in the first stance to the club of the player or person involved. If the response from the club does not satisfy the person reporting the incident they may submit it to the LCU [addressed to the Honorary Secretary] and a decision will be made by the Executive on whether the incident merits referral to the Disciplinary Committee.
At the end of each season the LCU will compile a report of the disciplinary incidents during the year and will publish a table showing the teams / clubs involved.
Finally, clubs are reminded that they should have in place their own disciplinary systems for dealing with incidents involving their players and members.