The inaugural National Coaching Conference run by the Cricket Ireland Coaches Association (CICA) is taking place this evening. While you can no longer book online, it is still possible to book a place. So if your plans have suddenly changed, simply email Bernard O'Mara the Coach Coordinator for the South on or phone Stephen Moreton, CI Coach Education Officer, on 083 3779208. See below for full deatils and a sneak peak into the layout for this evening and tomorrow.
Dates: 10th/11th April
Friday Evening – Bewley’s Hotel, Dublin Airport
Saturday – Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Times: Friday (6pm-9.30pm) Saturday (9am-6pm)
€99 for CICA Members
€150 for non-CICA Members
€120 for Saturday only Tickets
*Please note CICA Membership for 2015 is £35/€42*