Cricket Leinster is pleased to advise that all member clubs with voting rights have confirmed in writing their approval for our existing Directors, Officers and Committees to be re-elected en bloc (as below) for 2021.
Importantly, this unanimous approval will ensure continuity of knowledge during this period of uncertainty whilst also allowing all committees an opportunity to oversee a full season in 2021. It obviates the requirement for physical elections/ballots which would have been very challenging to administer over zoom or via some other process.
Directors, Officers & Committees Approved en-bloc for 2021
Board Members - David Drane (Greystones), Siobhan McBennett (Rush), Peter Twamley (Pembroke), Peter Thew (LCU&SA) and Meena Baskasubramanian (Independent)
Note: All other Board members were not due for re-election at this juncture.
Honorary Secretary - Paul Reynolds (Leinster)
Cricket Committee members - Keith Webster (Civil Service), Woody O'Neill (Mullingar), Conor Hoey (Dublin University)
Chair of Open Competitions - Michael Lowe (Clontarf)
Honorary Secretary of Open Competitions - Peter Thew (LCU&SA)
Open Competitions Committee - Andy Hirst (North Kildare), Steve Wood (Gorey), Adrian Tudor (Laois), Michael Cotter (Terenure), Olag Sivanantham (Adamstown), Joe Connolly (LCU&SA)
Chair of Child Safeguarding & Inclusion Committee - Aideen Rice (YMCA)
Chair of Decisions Appeals Board - Phil Furlong (Terenure)
Honorary Secretary of Disciplinary Committee - Mary Sharp (Pembroke)
Honorary Secretary of Decisions Appeals Board - Mary Sharp (Pembroke)
Grounds Committee members - Guy Satchwell (Leinster), Roland Bradley (Laois), Rob Kenealy (Leinster), Ralph Condie (Knockharley)
After many years of brilliant service, member clubs have been advised that Henry Tighe has indicated that he is stepping down as Chair of the Accreditation Committee. Henry has led our Accreditation process with distinction since its inception and has worked tirelessly to deliver a top-class system for the benefit of all who play cricket in Leinster. We are hugely grateful to Henry for all his work on our behalf.
The Board will now take some time to determine how best to achieve succession in this area and how best to organise this function for 2021 and beyond.
The Board has undertaken to come back to this and 1/2 other posts in communications later this month.
Please join us in congratulating all those who have been approved for continued service for 2021.
Finally, just to advise that instead of our usual Autumn General Meeting, each CL Competition Committee will hold a zoom-based meeting with clubs to review the abbreviated 2020 season and to facilitate a discussion around plans for the 2021 season. This process will greatly assist the committees in completing their off-season work in preparation for next year.