Based on discussions at the recent CL Autumn General Meeting, we asked all clubs to complete a short survey to express their club preferences in respect of playing kit and match teas.
Playing Kit/Balls
In respect of playing kit (and balls), the clubs are fairly evenly split with a small majority (53.6%) favouring a continuation of the hybrid model which means coloured clothing (white ball) for Senior T20 & Senior Cup competitions, coloured shirts (at a minimum) for all other T20/Cup competitions and white clothing (red ball) for all Open Leagues. It is noteworthy that support for a continuation of the hybrid model is strongest amongst smaller clubs & clubs outside the Greater Dublin area.
Additional anecdotal feedback suggests that this preference is driven by a couple of factors including a desire to retain connection with the ‘traditional’ format of the game alongside some practical considerations including the need to fully exhaust existing red ball stocks.
Accordingly, we will retain the hybrid approach for 2023 with a commitment to further periodic dialogue with clubs on this issue for subsequent seasons. This decision will also allow us to now progress with the 2023 aggregate standardised balls order which is relatively urgent – we will be communicating with clubs separately on the balls order for 2023.
Match Teas
The position on match teas is relatively clear-cut with a majority (64.3%) favouring maintenance of the status quo from the 2022 season where the provision of teas is at the host club’s discretion. Accordingly, we will continue on this basis for 2023.
It is noted that a sizeable minority of clubs favour a return to the provision of match teas by host clubs and this preference can continue to be fulfilled, at least for all home matches at the discretion of those individual clubs.