Cricket Leinster is delighted to announce that our Annual Awards Dinner will take place on Friday 23rd November 2018 in the Guinness Storehouse (drinks from 7.15pm with Dinner served at 8.00pm sharp).
Located in the heart of the St James's Gate Brewery, the Guinness Storehouse is Ireland's most popular tourist attraction and is also a very popular venue for showpiece events hence its choice as an appropriate venue for one of the major events in our Cricket Leinster calendar.
We are hoping for a big turnout for this event and would ask that you use your best endeavours to maximise attendance from your club and at least fill one table of 10 people, smaller numbers will obviously also be catered for.
We are pleased to advise that the price for the event (which includes a full 4-course meal) will remain unchanged over previous years at €50 per person (or €55 per person if booked after 31st October).
We are appreciative of the support from both Cairn Homes and Guinness for this event - more details on that in due course.
The dinner is a very enjoyable social occasion where, as you know, all league (Men’s and Women’s) and individual awards will be presented, including the Hall of Fame Award.
It would be much appreciated if we could receive completed booking forms (sample attached) by Friday 19th October electronically and the final numbers by Friday 26th October also electronically.
We can accept payment by cheque however our preferred payment method is bank transfer and the relevant details are included on the form for that purpose.
Please include the names of people who will be at your table to avoid people being booked in twice, if for example they are also guests. As you would expect, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Also please indicate any special dietary requirements on the booking form.
Completed Booking Forms should be sent to the Cricket Leinster Office -
Philip Smith (philip.smith@cricketleinster.
Kevin Gallagher (kevin.gallagher@cricketleinst
Please book early to avoid disappointment for this important event in the Cricket Calendar.
Cricket Leinster Annual Awards Dinner – Friday 23rd November 2018
(Guinness Storehouse, Dublin 8)
I wish to book places for the above for C.C. The names of the people attending are listed below add more if required. Please include any special dietary requirements.
Extra names:
Bank Account Details for Credit Transfer Payments
Account Name: The Leinster Cricket Union CLG T/A Cricket Leinster
National Sort Code: 93-12-25 Account Number: 12069071
IBAN: IE11 AIBK 9312 2512 0690 71 BIC / SWIFT: AIBKIE2D