The proposed new Board of Cricket Leinster held its first meeting on Wednesday last, 10th May 2017. We are grateful to Rangan Arulchelvan and the Russell Court Hotel for providing a venue for this first meeting.
The meeting was attended by Meenakshi Baskarasubramanian, Joe Clinton, David Drane, Derek Dockrell, John Heavy, Eddie Lewis, Siobhan McBennett, Peter Twamley, Henry Tighe and Philip Smith (as General Manager). Apologies were recorded from Mary Sharp.
The key points from the meeting are as follows:
This is intended to be an interim Board (elected by the existing Executive Committee) to oversee the transition of governance for Cricket Leinster until the Annual General Meeting to be held in the Spring of 2018.
Eddie Lewis was elected as Chairperson until the AGM in the Spring of 2018.
We will shortly be submitting an application for registration of the company to the Companies Registration Office.
It was confirmed that Derek Dockrell as Chair of the Executive/Cricket Committee, will act as direct link with the Board and Peter Twamley , as Chair of the Finance Committee, will undertake the same role in relation to the Finance Committee.
The meeting was briefed on the proposed Terms of Reference for each of the Board Sub-Committees.
The role of the Accreditation Committee was discussed including the current status of the accreditation process. It was explained that the ClubGrade accreditation status is reviewed every 5 years and that an annual ‘Health-check’ self-declaration is required from each club on an annual basis.
Philip Smith briefed the meeting on progress since his appointment as General Manager on 10th April last. He explained that a significant volume of meetings and workshop sessions have been completed aimed at getting familiar with all aspects of how Cricket Leinster works.
Strong progress was also reported on the commercial front with 4 new sponsors on-board.
A Club engagement process has been initiated with some sessions completed and others planned over the coming weeks. It was agreed that each Board member will be assigned 3/4 clubs to visit alongside Philip as part of our club engagement and to inform our ‘Strategy Refresh’ process taking place over the summer period.
Work is ongoing to establish a Focus Group to address the structure of Men’s Division One & Two competitions for 2018 which will also include a review of regulations and other matters relating to the playing of cricket – this has been publicised on the website with strong interest reported from the member base.
There is also ongoing work to design the next wave of improvements for the existing web site.
The proposed process for refreshing the Cricket Leinster Strategy and Development Plan was agreed which will include a review of ‘Strategy 2020’ and ‘Development Plan 2014-16’. It was agreed to hold further meetings on a bi-monthly basis with provisional dates of Tuesday 4th July, Tuesday 5th September and Tuesday 7th November.
In line with good governance, it was agreed that meeting outcomes will be published on the website to keep members informed (hence this article).