Thanks to all those who attended the Annual Club Day at the Green Isle Hotel on Sunday - it was great to see such a brilliant turnout with most clubs represented on the day.
As you know, we covered a significant volume of material and in particular, we launched our draft Strategy 2019-21 for consultation - more to come on that shortly.
We completed the draw for the 2019 IBI Corporate Finance League Cup competition which has been published separately. As referenced yesterday, we are conscious of the fixtures challenge associated with the 2019 competitions and will be in touch shortly to arrange a session with Club Fixtures Secretaries to provide guidance and support in this area.
It is also clear from some of the informal discussions on the day that we have more work to do in order to arrive at a suitable long-term Open Competitions League & Cup structure and our commitment is to work with all our clubs over the coming period in order to address this as a priority item. We will also complete a player survey as part of this process which will be issued shortly.
Thanks again for all your ongoing support - as you know, our ongoing commitment is to put our clubs at the heart of everything we do.
The Strategic plan can be found here.