Notice to all Scorers
With the season fast approaching it is time for clubs to make their plans for the scoring of their matches, with specific reference to the requirements relating to eScoring. It is the responsibility of the home club with teams in OCD1 and WCD1 to provide Live Scores to the Cricket Leinster Match Centre for all matches. It is also expected that the Live Scores from matches in OCD2 will be sent to the Match Centre.
The software package used to link to the Match Centre and to create digital scorecards to be sent in to Cricket Leinster as results is called Total Cricket Scorer [TCS] and has been in use for a number of seasons. Last year the company that developed TCS was taken over by CricHQ [who have their own product] but TCS will continue to be supported on iPad and PC for the coming season and be used for Live Scoring and the submission of scorecards.
Anyone interested in using TCS for scoring in the coming season [and this applies to individuals covering teams in any Division] and wants to link to the Match Centre needs to send the following information to
1: Club:
2: Contact Name:
3: e/mail address
4: TCS Registration ID [to be found under Menu > About]
5: Indicate if the TCS is on an iPad or PC
This should be done as soon as possible to ensure that all the TCS Live Scores licences are registered before the start of the season.
Note: The use of a paper record [normally in a scorebook] is a requirement for all competitive matches under the auspices of Cricket Leinster. The use of eScoring complements this and many scorers find it helpful to maintain the scorebook and score on an iPad / PC at the same time. The normal arrangement is that the Home Scorer is responsible for the eScoring and the Away Scorer for the paper record [scorebook].