With players still registering in good numbers, any figures given quickly become out of date. But as a reference point for future years and as an indicator to clubs where they might need to remind some of their players to get registered the first checkpoint may be of some interest.
This year a lot of women / girl players registered for Open Cricket. To prevent duplication these have been excluded from the figures although some may indeed play in Open Competitions during the year. The ratio of players to teams may show where some clubs need to recruit or at least register more players. The comparison of players who turned out in 2017 to the current registration levels for clubs is also worth noting - but remember in many cases youth and university players are still to be added to the mix for certain clubs. Also the number of teams that clubs have entered in competitions this year may be different from last year.
On the Women’s side it is a mixed picture with some clubs yet to get started and their players yet to register. But to show how things can change, the DU players all registered on 2nd May and were thus not included in figures.
The figures will be updated again at the end of May.