This is the ideal time to edge artificial pitches as the surrounding ground is soft.
Required equipment, builders line 30M, two pegs to hold line, good quality spade with square head , edging tool to give a clean cut, large bucket or wheelbarrow and a brush.
Pick a fine dry day to do the work, usually three people for two hours
Set up line 15 mm into the mat from edge, cut straight edge carefully along line, run spade under growth into straight edge and lift away from mat.
Brush loose clay away then walk the edge back down to the mat leaving a neat sloped edge between mat and surrounding ground or square so that a ball runs smoothly.
The grass will have re-established long before the season commences.
Other work like cleaning should be left closer to the start of cricket.
No need to edge either end of mat.
Both ends should be left undisturbed unless it is necessary to tighten/ stretch the mat
If you need more information or help, please contact either Cricket Leinster Grounds Committee chair, Collie Byrne ( or Cricket Leinster's Director of Cricket Ops, Simon Dyke (