With just one match remaining to be played in the final weekend, the 2011 season is just about done and dusted with only the Division 4 title and promotion spots still to be decided. There remain a couple of results cards still outstanding but once all of these are received we will be able to complete the review of the season. Clubs are asked to send in any outstanding results cards as soon as possible so that final tables and averages can be compiled.
The Open Competitions operated under new administrative arrangements this year. I would like to thank all clubs for co-operating with the new procedures for registration, starring and result cards. I would like to thank the Open Competitions Committee and to acknowledge, in particular, the efforts of its Chairman, Paul Reynolds, and its Secretary, Kevin Gallagher, for all their work during the season.
The LCU will review the 2011 season over the winter and already there are a few issues that arose during the season that need to be looked at for next year. Any clubs that have suggestions for ways to improve the regualtions or procedures for the Open Competitions should send them to the Chairman of the OCC as soon as possible.
Eddie Lewis
President LCU