LCU Capital Loans Scheme
The LCU has agreed to make available interest free loans for capital purposes to affiliated clubs in accordance with the terms and conditions of the scheme. Clubs seeking a loan should apply to the Honorary Secretary on the form supplied by the LCU. Applications for 2012 should be submitted before the end of November, 2011.
A maximum loan of €5,000 may be made to any one club for the purposes of a capital project. The club must put up at least 50% of the overall cost. Applications will only be considered from clubs whose subscriptions to the union are fully up to date. The re-payment of the loan must be over a period of no more than five years and be agreed in advance. Further details on the terms are availbale from the Honourary Secretary.
A decision on any loans will be made by the Executive of the LCU, on the advice and recommendation of the Finance Committee, before the end of 2011.