The Leinster Cricket Union CLG (‘the Company’)
Notice of Autumn General Meeting
Wednesday 20th November 2019, Clontarf Cricket Club
Notice is hereby given that the Autumn Annual Meeting of the Company in accordance with Article 7.2 of the Articles of Association of the Company will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 20th November 2019 in Clontarf Cricket Club, Castle Avenue, Dublin 3.
The Company’s Constitution and it’s Management Regulations are as published on the Cricket Leinster Website which: -
1 The following are eligible to attend, speak and vote at this meeting:
a. The person[s] nominated by each of those clubs that have been accepted for affiliation at a General Meeting of the Leinster Cricket Union and which clubs are listed in the First Schedule to the Articles of Association of the company [‘the articles’]. These clubs shall have a number of votes equal to the number of adult teams registered in league and cup cricket for the 2019 season. To exercise any right to multiple votes there shall be a separate authorised representative nominated by the club in attendance in respect of each such vote;
b. The person nominated by:
i. the Women’s Section
ii. the Youth & Schools Section
iii. the Coaches Association
iv. the Grounds Association
c. The President
d. The Immediate Past President
e. The Company Secretary and
f. The Chairperson.
2 Those eligible to attend and speak but are not entitled to vote are those clubs located in the Province which have not yet been admitted as a member of the Company and which clubs are listed in the Second Schedule to the Articles.
3 Nominations to the following positions under the Company Management Regulations are invited and which are for election at the Autumn General Meeting.
All nominations to these positions should be notified in writing to the LCU Offices, 13 Sandyford Office Park, Dublin 18 marked for the attention of the Honorary Secretary to be received no later than 7.00pm on Sunday 17th November 2019.