LeinsterCA AGM & Conference Reminder
Notice - for all Coaches and Clubs
We are inviting everyone to have their say at the Leinster Coaches Association's AGM. This will be held in Clontarf CC, upstairs in the top bar, on Wednesday March 22nd at 8pm. If you can please let us know if you can attend it would be appreciated. It is important that all clubs and coaches are aware of what is happening around Leinster with regards coaches complying with garda vetting and safeguarding laws. By attending the AGM you can help by guiding us in how best we can support you as a club (coaching structures and guidance) or individual coaches (workshops, courses, advice).
Members will be able to avail of discounts to various events. This includes the National Coaching Conference, a 2 year event, which will be held in Belfast this April (Friday 7th & Saturday 8th). All details will be release by Cricket Ireland in due course. However, it is worth noting the date, which has been circulated on several occasions.
Yours in Cricket
Naomi Scott-Hayward
Chairperson & PRO
Leinster Coaches Association