At this meeting there are elections for the following positions so all nominations are welcome but in any event must be received no later than 7 days before the meeting i.e. by Thursday 19th November. Below I have included the people presently in the positions who also need to be re-nominated if they are seeking re-election, some of them have already been nominated. Therefore you will need to contact the people before nominating them.
Nominations are particularly welcome from clubs that are not represented on any committee. Also during the year there are people who think that some committees are not running properly now is the time for those people to get themselves nominated and help with the running of the union. It is your union and all personnel on all committees are volunteers and are trying to do the best for cricket in Leinster. Committee members do NOT represent their own clubs but act in the best interest of ALL clubs and therefore the Union as a whole. I look forward to receiving plenty of nominations.
President – Roland Bradley was elected last year for a two year term
President Elect -
Hon Secretary - Mary Sharp (Pembroke) –
Hon Treasurer - Pat Banahan (Leinster) –
Ordinary members of the executive (4) - Jim Bennett (The Hills) who unfortunately had to retire from the committee during the eyar for personal reasons, Heatley Tector, Paul Reynolds (Leinster) and Matt Sheridan (Rush).
Vice Presidents - re-elected en bloc.
Chairperson of the OCC - Gerry Murphy (Clontarf) –
Hon Secretary of the OCC - Michael Sharp (Pembroke) –
Chairperson of the Appeals Board - Philip Furlong (Terenure)
Auditors of the Union - Alun Brophy (Malahide)
Six members of the OCC – Willie Clarke (Phoenix), Brian Dalton (Terenure), Philip Deacon (Bagenalstown), Ray Shimmins (Sandyford), Hadley Southall (Railway Union) and Adrian Tudor (Laois)
Seven members of the Disciplinary Committee - David Brennan (Terenure), Philip Byrne (Pembroke), Barry Collins (Old Belvedere), Peter Geoffroy (Merrion), David Pigot (Phoenix) and Tom Prior (Clontarf)
Three members of the Grounds Committee – Ken McDonald (Terenure), Paul Reynolds (Leinster) and Martin Russell (The Hills)