Intro Eve: Wednesday 9th November 2016 - 630pm to 930pm (Cricket Ireland, Dublin Office, Unit 22 Grattan Business Park, Clonshaugh, Dublin 17)
Day 1: Sunday 13th November 2016 - 930am to 430pm (St Marys College, Rathmines)
Day 2: Sunday 27th November 2016 - 930am to 430pm (St Marys College, Rathmines)
Day 3: Sunday 4th December 2016 - 930am to 430pm (St Marys College, Rathmines)
Cost: €280 (incl. CICA membership for 2017) and all cheques are to be sent to the following address:
Michael Hingston
Coach Development Department
Cricket Ireland
Unit 22 Grattan Business Park
Dublin 17
If paying by cheque, please make out to 'Cricket Ireland'. Please write on the back of the cheque, your name and the course you are attending with your payment.
Equipment required: Sportswear and trainers as (injury / health permitting) you’ll be taking part in cricket drills, games and exercises. Bring a pen and a notepad as well if you would like to take down some notes on the day.
Lunch: Lunch is not provided so please bring your own food for the 3 full days.
CICA Membership / Any further queries: Please contact Michael Hingston on if you have have have questions or if you would like to not avail of CICA membership - it will bring the course cost down to €250. The benefits of CICA membership includes:
- Comprehensive Coaches Insurance (Public Liability and Personal Accident Cover)
- Access to Cricket Ireland Workshops and Coaching Conferences at reduced member prices
- Bespoke O'Neill CICA Clothing
- Coaching resources including ECB Wings to Fly DVD
- CICA Newsletters
Click on the below link to register. Simply scroll to the bottom, fill out the form and click submit.