At the forthcoming Cricket Leinster AGM on Thursday next, I will be outlining the work of the OCC since the AGM in November. There are a couple of issues on which we would welcome feedback at the meeting or in the coming weeks.
It has been decided that in 2013 for Divisions 1-4, matches where weather prevents a result being achieved will now be refixed within two weeks as evening T20 matches. The precise date for the refix will be by agreement between the clubs concerned but the regulations will specify that if no agreement is reached an automatic date clicks in. Only if weather prevents a result in the refix will the fixture be recorded as no result. In such a case 8 pts will be awarded to each side. Thus since points will be awarded for all fixtures, league positions will be determined by points aggregate rather than using a percentage system.
We are also looking at ways of improving the starring system given some adverse comments in 2012. Current suggestions include
- a more precise definition of what constitutes regular availability which qualifies one for inclusion on a starring list
- some relaxation of the provision that failure to play at least once in a four week period requires removal
- counting appearances in no result matches where there is some play
- a possible less stringent approach to removal of players in a club's lower teams
Any thoughts that clubs have on these or other starring matters are welcome, preferably at the meeting to enable discussion but if not, directly to me in the coming weeks.
We intend to finalise all these matters at our next scheduled meeting on 25th March.