With a slew of matches cut short by bad weather over the weekend, it has become clear that the wording of General Playing Regulation 8 was confusing some clubs. The wording has now been tightened as below. This is not with the intention of changing the regulation, merely of making its meaning more clear.
8. REFIXING OF NO RESULTS (i.e. those which, for reasons of weather, failed to produce a positive
8.1. Apart from the exceptions in 8.1.1 below, all league matches for which no result is possible due to weather (in the first match) will not be refixed and points will be shared. If the second match between the two teams also fails to achieve a result due to weather, then the second match will be refixed.
8.1.1. Any matches involving Cork County, Cork Harlequins or Co Galway that do not achieve a result at the first attempt will result in points being shared, unless otherwise agreed by the OCC.
8.2. Refixing of Matches
8.2.1. Within seven days of the date of the second washed-out match, the home club of the second match should provide to the OCC and to the away club three re-fix dates, all of which must fall prior to the 18th September. No dates can be offered after that date. Either club may make a submission to the OCC to deviate from the 7-day rule.
8.2.2. Should the teams not be able to agree on a date, the OCC will select a date, usually but not limited to the three dates provided for above.
8.2.3. Matches may be refixed as a full-length match however if both clubs agree a 20-over match may be arranged. No other cricket under the auspices of Cricket Leinster must be affected unless specifically sanctioned by the OCC and the Youth/Women's committee as appropriate.
8.2.4. If the clubs are unable to arrange a date within a period of 7 days of the original match, the match will be declared as a no result and league tables will be updated to reflect zero points per team.