As you may be aware, a committed band of volunteers have been filling in for me whilst I was on holiday (and a huge thanks to all of them! - Peter Searson, George Kitteringham, Nagesh Yadav, Omar Rasool and Philp Deacon)
A few technical problems cropped up, so we are now going over the last month, and making sure all scorecards and umpires reports for Open Competitions matches have been submitted.
To that end there will be plenty of emails going out over the next few days, asking for outstanding scorecards and umpires reports to be submitted. It may well be that these have already been done, but please give us a bit of leeway; get in touch to give us a few details, and everything will be up to date as soon as possible!
Thanks for all the help of captains around the province so far this season - not too long to go now!