The following list of items have been sourced re Autumn Renovations. We have endeavoured to get the best price for Transport and supplies.
1. Kaloam - available from GSB who now supply this loam. Price @ €4.45 per bag delivered to individual club.
Price approx 10% cheaper than last year.
2. GSB County - similar to Boughton County which we got for a nos of clubs last year. GSB county is produced in same area of UK
as Boughton, namely Kettering. It makes economic sense to get both brands from the one source. If you need more details go to GSB web site or get in touch by return. For those who have a choice, this loam is easier to work with
than Kaloam. Price @ €4.98 per bag delivered.
If you require Mendip/Boughton/Ongar/GOSTD etc loam we can still get very competitive transport rates . For a quote get in touch.
Grass Seed - Barenburg Bar Extreme Grass Seed - Most popular seed for cricket squares. Provided to a nos of clubs in LCU area last year, with good results. Price €97.50 per 20kg bag .
1. Autumn/Win + Moss Control - 3-6-8+4? MG 25kg - Regular Aut/Win Fert to be used during this period and also by some who prefer to use during spring/sum instead of high nitrogen based fert. Price €22.00 per 25kg bag.
2. Autumn/Win High Potash 5-0-28+Fe&Mg MG 25kg - Ideal for promoting development of new seed following Autumn renovations. Price €25.50 per 25kg bag.
Come back to me ASAP with your requirements. As per last year Invoices will be put through Natures Craft Ltd. Those clubs who were v slow to pay last year will have to pay up front. We have added 5% to prices to cover admin and purchase small items of equipment
for the LCGA. The new soil profiler is doing the rounds at various grounds.