The AGM of Cricket Leinster's Club Youth sub-committee was held last week, to review the 2016 season, and to start planning for future years.
The main agreement reached at the meeting were that two forums would be set up, one for boy's cricket, and one for girls, with an aim of coming up with recomendations for changes ot be made in the running of the respective competition structures.
Gerry Kelly has already contacted clubs and interested parties with regards to the setting up of the forum boy's cricket (for more details, contact Gerry at, whilst Naomi Scott-Hayward (secretary of the Youth Subcommittee), has set a date for the forum regarding girl's competitions - December 7th, 7.30pm. Could all those who feel they could have an inout (existing clubs; clubs who are thinking about entering girls teams; players who wish to get involved; anyone else with ideas) please email her immediately ( The venue is to be decided - if clubs could make their facilities available, please get in touch.
Minutes of the 2016 AGM can be viewed here whilst the minutes of the first committee meeting can be viewed here